change in America starts with education.

70% of young americans would select a socialist leader

Our mission

We are focused on the future.

For too long, Americans trusted the government with the very important job of teaching our children about subjects that, if taught correctly, would create a natural and healthy distrust of the government.

The government did exactly the opposite: public schools and other institutions in our nation trained multiple generations of young Americans to reject freedom in exchange for a false sense of security and reliance on government.

As young Americans, we care about the future of our beautiful republic. We are horrified to see not just our peers in the millennial and Gen Z generations, but Americans of ALL ages, tearing down the foundation of our country:

  • Economic Freedom

  • Individual Liberty

  • The Family Unit

  • Limited Government

We help you take back control from the government, starting in your own home.

Our organization is dedicated to providing Americans of all ages with the materials they need to learn about history, economics, civics, and more… and then go share that information with others!

From students who aren’t getting what they deserve in our public school system or college campuses, to the parents of America who are stepping in to educate their own children about these crucial topics instead of government school teachers, we are stepping up to make sure their learning experience is uncomplicated, understandable, and impactful on a generational level.

We Interview Survivors of Socialism and Communism

We start with interviewing the survivor for over an hour about their life story, their journey to America, and the differences and similarities between their home country and America today.

Then we turn these longer interviews into other educational materials and content!

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Meet Morgan, Our founder

Morgan Zegers believes freedom is a lifestyle.

What does that mean? It means we have to live every day in a way that preserves our God-given freedoms!

She is deeply passionate about political, economic, financial, and personal independence. Morgan believes reliance on the government, uncontrollable supply chains, the public school system, and media propaganda is not just lazy or risky, but outright dangerous.

Morgan spoke on the topic of freedom being a LIFESTYLE in November 2021 at the Uncensored Freedom Event held by Liberty University’s Standing for Freedom Center. Watch here speech and share your thoughts in the comments!