The Freedom Records

Learn what it means to fight back against tyranny from those who experienced it first-hand.

The Freedom Records is a collection of interviews with survivors and their relatives who survived through socialism, communism, government oppression, or tyranny.

These are the stories that don't make it into American classrooms.

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  • Rosa Garcia

    Rosa Garcia

    In the premier episode for Season 2 of The Freedom Records, Rosa Garcia outlines her first-hand experience of witnessing Castro’s rise to power, and the eventual fall of her beloved homeland, Cuba. She, like many of her neighbors, put a sign on her door that said, “This is your home, Fidel.”

  • Xi Van Fleet

    Xi Van Fleet

    Xi Van Fleet On Growing Up In The Cultural Revolution

  • Dr. Pingnan Shi, Ph.D

    Dr. Pingnan Shi, Ph.D

    Dr. Pingnan Shi, Ph.D, On Escaping Communist China & The Importance of Saving American Youth from Leftist Indoctrination

  • Olga Voloshina

    Olga Voloshina

    Olga Voloshina’s family lived under Soviet rule during World War II until the 1990’s, when they claimed their country’s independence peacefully. Her story is one of faith, family, entrepreneurship and the American dream.

  • Jorge Ventura

    Jorge Ventura

    Jorge Ventura on His Family Surviving the Salvadorian Civil War

  • Gabby Franco

    Gabby Franco

    Olympic Shooter, Gabby Franco, Leaves Socialist Venezuela

  • Tim Barton

    Tim Barton

    The Importance of Understanding our History with Tim Barton, the President of WallBuilders

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