
Dive into topical articles curated by our team to bridge the past and present.

From thought-provoking analyses of Communist dictators and the events that led to their rise in power, to present-day reporting on the ways Socialism is slowly infiltrating American values. Here, you'll discover factual perspectives and tactical take-aways to benefit the whole family.

Allison Rogers Allison Rogers

America’s First Inauguration

When discussing the framework of the United States government, many people mistakenly refer to it as a democracy. However, this is a common misconception. The United States was founded as a representative constitutional republic, a system deliberately designed to avoid the pitfalls of pure democracy and protect individual liberties.

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Allison Rogers Allison Rogers

We’re Not a Democracy

When discussing the framework of the United States government, many people mistakenly refer to it as a democracy. However, this is a common misconception. The United States was founded as a representative constitutional republic, a system deliberately designed to avoid the pitfalls of pure democracy and protect individual liberties.

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