Dive into topical articles curated by our team to bridge the past and present.
From thought-provoking analyses of Communist dictators and the events that led to their rise in power, to present-day reporting on the ways Socialism is slowly infiltrating American values. Here, you'll discover factual perspectives and tactical take-aways to benefit the whole family.
4 Things We Can Learn from LBJ’s Great Society Programs
Today, the Great Society initiative has been touted by leftists as one of the biggest and most successful social reforms in the history of the United States. Johnson’s speech was meant to ignite a new vision for America.
The American Education System: Understanding it’s Roots
To understand how the American Public Education system has essentially become weaponized as a tool for radical leftist propaganda, indoctrination and the general ‘dumbing down’ of American children over the last several decades, we must understand the roots of how the system was created and who inspired it…
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