From The Revolution to The Constitution
Understanding America’s founding is one of the greatest gifts you can give your child. Our goal is to empower and inspire young Americans to embrace freedom and create resources that will develop their ability to create and think critically.
Learning about government and the US Constitution helps us learn so much about our world. We believe American parents should not only teach their children simple facts, but also how to think critically, question, imagine, and create. One day, our children will grow up and be active members of society. They will be challenged with questionable information along the way. We must equip them with the ability to critically think and problem solve, no matter the circumstances.
Our curriculum, “From the Revolution to the Constitution: America’s Quest for Liberty” engages young minds with the history of the American Revolution, the U.S. Constitution, and the values that make up the fabric of our nation.
Why This Curriculum?
Engages Curiosity: Through the story of the American Revolution and the founding of a new nation, the United States of America, your child will gain a deep respect for the sacrifices made for freedom.
Strengthens American Values: As they learn about liberty and self-governance, your child will develop an appreciation for our Constitutional Republic, the unique system of government that America offers, that is predicated on the integrity of the US Constitution.
Mastery Learning: With conversation starters exploring what freedom means and why America’s Founders were so passionate about representative government, this curriculum encourages your child to understand concepts by asking questions, thinking critically, and discussing the principles that shaped our country.
What’s Inside?
The Road to Revolution: Learn about the tyranny of King George III in England, the causes of the American Revolution, and the importance of ideas such as “No Taxation Without Representation”
Our Quest for Liberty: Learn key moments about the fight for independence, the creation of the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the wisdom behind the framework of the United States government
The Founding Fathers: Meet the visionaries who shaped our government and protected our God-given liberties that are integral to American values today and always.
Different Forms of Government: Understand an overview of other forms of government, their key elements, and why they do not protect the freedoms laid out in the US Constitution.
Pass the Torch of Liberty
Help your child understand the history and principles that make America unique. From the Revolution to the Constitution: America's Quest for Liberty” is a resource designed to instill a love for freedom and the responsibilities that come with it.
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