
Brewing Business with America's Future Feat. YAAS

Leading in both the non-profit and private sectors, this young entrepreneurs knows how to tell a story about how socialism ruins nations across the globe. Starting with an experience in her dorm room with a socialist, the Founder of Young Americans Against Socialism, Morgan Zegers, tells us her story as a business and non-profit leader in her 20s.

There is no question that the topic of socialism is a rising commodity in public education today. However, who are those advocating against such an infamous ideology? In today’s episode, we bring you a young female voice, Morgan Zegers, who is attracting the masses to her online commentary and education about socialism at Young Americans Against Socialism. From discussions about philosophy to the challenges of building a business while in college, this young gun really knows how to balance thought leadership and business in one place.


Gen Z Is Fighting Against Socialism